Wary of what I wear

Most days see me in a meeting with clients and agencies. And it all begins with deciding what I should be wearing. What I wear today would determine which side I am on. But then the sides aren’t that clear these days either. There was a simpler time when creative agencies and clients used to look discernibly different. These days most clients tend to borrow … Continue reading Wary of what I wear

Professional Choices

As a professional you are normally expected to lend your services to anyone who needs your expertise and can pay for your time. This applies to doctors, lawyers, architects and consultants across domains. Are there considerations beyond scope, time and money that professionals need to consider while working with a client? One of the main additional considerations tends to be potential for recognition and fame. … Continue reading Professional Choices

Music isn’t for listening (and sports isn’t for watching)

Some points of view developed over years of dabbling in music and engaging in sport Playing (and Learning to play) Music works in multiple ways Music is heavily based on mathematics, and hence it engages the left brain (taxes it, in fact, till it becomes second nature) Music is also about coordination. Try picking some notes on a guitar with the ring and little finer … Continue reading Music isn’t for listening (and sports isn’t for watching)

Tried talking to your kids about Gaming?

I get quite hassled by all the time spent by kids on gaming and so went hunting for some credible information about its harmful effects that I could share with my son These days I find video content easier to search so I went and typed: “Effects of gaming” on YouTube The first result that was thrown up was a WHO video that seemed quite … Continue reading Tried talking to your kids about Gaming?

A campaign that’s a throwback to happier times

When we planned this campaign for HNI, we could never imagine that the world of work would change in such a fundamental way. This campaign brings back the magic of a world that already looks like a distant memory. Would the world remain cooped up in homes out of fear of the virus? Would companies look at this as a way to cut costs? OR … Continue reading A campaign that’s a throwback to happier times